ACG aims to target investments presented by the large, persistent and attractive market opportunity created by a structural supply and demand imbalances for private credit. These imbalances, in part, have been driven by substantial long-term changes in the debt capital markets following the credit crisis in 2008. Middle market companies often have specialized requirements that limit their ability to employ conventional loan structures and their access to broader capital markets.
Their ability to raise capital has been further restricted as banks retreated from middle market lending due to changes in the regulatory landscape over the last decade. As a result, alternative lenders have stepped in to fill the void and provide capital. ACG believes that private debt represents a large opportunity set for its clients, particularly for well-positioned investors that possess a scaled platform, deep credit markets experience, knowledge and proprietary sourcing networks
ACG will focus on credit and fixed income opportunities where we see superior fundamental value. We will invest in four principal credits related strategies through a commingled multi-strategy fund and single strategy funds or structured vehicles and will rotate among these strategies as market conditions warrant: